Global community heading to World Exchange Congress 22-23 March

Momentum building fast ahead of the key event for securities exchanges worldwide, the World Exchanges Congress, now in its 11th year and back in central London from 22-23 March.

This is the key gathering where more than 300 members of the global exchange community get together from all continents to share trends and to hear from experts and bourse leaders. Topics of interest in the fast-changing world of established and emerging trading venues regulated exchanges include “new customers, new revenues and new partnerships”.

For more information, check the website here.

The World Exchanges Congress was launched in London in 2005 and has been hosted in Istanbul, Madrid, Doha, Monaco, Dubai and Barcelona. CEOs from virtually every exchange and trading venue in the world have attended. In 2010, the event expanded to look at technology opportunities and challenges and there is strong participation from chief technology officers (CTOs) and other top executives with a focus on trends and innovations.

In 2016, the congress continues to be seen as the unofficial AGM of exchanges and it is the most significant date on every exchange executive’s diary. It gives bourse leaders the opportunity to harness the latest innovations, overcome their biggest challenges and be inspired to drive their organisations forward.

The gathering will focus on the most critical future trends affecting exchanges and changing the exchange landscape, including cyber-security, crowd-funding, bitcoin, big data, crypto-currency and post-trade automation. Core topics running through the programme are the growth of financial centres, market integrity and finding ways to succeed through innovation.

Confirmed speakers are CEOs and other leaders from securities exchanges and other trading venues around the world as well as from the World Federation of Exchanges. They will explain their successes and challenges driving into new partnerships and revenue opportunities including commodities, derivatives and FX, regional expansion, the trading landscape under Europe’s MiFID II directive, opportunities for automation, over-the counter (OTC) trading on exchanges, distributed ledger/block chains, attracting more listings, crowdfunding platforms, data and index revenues for exchanges, post-trade models, innovation pitches, latest developments in central clearing, cyber security and finding new customers and new partnerships.

The conference has a strong tradition of formal and informal networking. It continues to be the key place where exchanges come to meet their peers and colleagues, benchmark their organizations and share ideas. Interactive exchange-led roundtables in 2016 mean that this year’s event will be no different.

For more details and to book your attendance, please head to the conference website.



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