Which African stock exchange website gets the most traffic? According to www.Alexa.com, a respected benchmark of web traffic, in rankings today (9 January) the Nigerian Stock Exchange website (www.nse.com.ng) was ranked #83,112 busiest website in the world and #826 website in Nigeria. It has great user engagement, with 3.1 page-views per visitor and each visitor spends an average of 5 minutes 39 seconds on the site.
The next busiest African securities exchanges websites were Egyptian Exchange (www.egx.com.eg, climbing to rank #124,904), South Africa’s JSE (www.jse.co.za, #157,543), on a slow decline since June 2017 but also good user engagement, West Africa’s regional BRVM exchange (www.brvm.org, ranking climbing recently to #219,284) covering eight markets and Nairobi Securities Exchange (www.nse.co.ke) with ranking of #297,989.

Last month in a press release from the Nigerian bourse Olumide Orojimi, Head, Corporate Communications, NSE, said: “We are delighted to see this increase in traffic to our website as it means that we are making the Nigerian capital market easily accessible to investors who are increasingly residing online.
“At the NSE, we are committed to bridging the information gap between the Exchange and market participants, knowing the high correlation between market information (stock market prices, market data, corporate actions and news) and decision making. We are glad our website is also helping us to achieve this.
The NSE has upgraded its website to be more friendly to users with mobile phones and tablets, and has boosted content and improved layout and navigation. Orojimi says: “The revamp was fuelled by feedback from users that wanted certain high demand pages easier to navigate and some key changes implemented. For example, using analytics from visits and usage of our website, we added filter functionality to the corporate disclosure page to enable users browse through results filed by listed companies easily. Our online visitors can now experience a more vibrant and seamless view of our offerings”.